Crash Bandicoot: On The Run Due For Shutdown

  • Jared McKenzie
  • 617
Crash Bandicoot: On The Run Due For Shutdown

Crash Bandicoot: On The Run, an endless runner game based on the classic platformer series of the same title, is set to be removed from storefronts after a short two-year period. Despite its success and popularity, the game will no longer be available for download as of February 16th, 2023. This news comes as a disappointment to both longtime fans and newcomers alike who had hoped to experience this iteration of Crash Bandicoot in all its glory.

The shutdown of Crash Bandicoot: On The Run will also mean that any progress made by players during their time with the game will not carry over into future versions or titles in the franchise. It is especially unfortunate for those who were introduced to the beloved character through this mobile version, giving them nowhere else to go if they wanted more Crash adventures after their run ends here. 

In addition, developers King have announced that there are no plans for any new content updates or events before its departure from stores next month. Although some may find solace in having completed all challenges and collected every item before it’s gone forever, many others may feel robbed of experiencing what could have been having they been given just one more month with their favorite marsupial hero. 

It does seem like King has been aware that this day was coming for quite some time; however, even back when Crash Bandicoot: On The Run! first launched in March 2020 - almost exactly one year ago - there were hints about its limited lifespan sprinkled throughout various promotional materials such as trailers and gameplay videos indicating that something big was due at around the same time we're now seeing it leave us forever.

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