Uncover all 27 Words of Power in Alan Wake 2: A Definitive Guide

  • Jared McKenzie
  • 582
Uncover all 27 Words of Power in Alan Wake 2: A Definitive Guide

In the thrilling sequel of Alan Wake, you embark on a perplexing journey to escape from the Dark Place. Be sure to keep an eye out for the 27 Words of Power – these glowing scribbles provide a range of valuable perks that could make a difference to your survival rate. Please note that this article discloses some major plot twists. Now, let's look at how you can find all the Words of Power hidden throughout the game.

These Words of Power are symbols that can be detected as you navigate through the levels of the Dark Place, taking on the role of the protagonist, Alan Wake. Be on the lookout for arrows that materialize only when you shed light from your flashlight on surfaces. The direction of these arrows leads you to these hidden drawings. By positioning yourself correctly and allowing the screen to flicker for a while, you will unlock these coveted perks.

However, it's worth noting that each Word carries its own special properties under a different category. Words of War and Gun, for example, improve your fighting abilities, while Words of Fix and Aid enhance your restorative skills. As of now, it is unclear whether the type of power each Word carries is arbitrarily assigned or is a fixed attribute. Here's a summary of the perks we have accrued in the game thus far.

To unlock more Words of Power, as well as other scattered collectibles like Echoes and hidden equipment, keep an ear open for a humming sound during each level. This sound leads you to meet Sheriff Tim Breaker, brought to life by actor Shawn Ashmore, in homage to his previous role in Remedy's Quantum Break.

Alan Wake 2 map

Whenever you come across Tim, stopping and having a chat will reveal a map that highlights important locations on Alan's own map, helping you discover collectibles. Just remember that our own run-through did encounter inconsistencies in marking obtained items on the map display.

In the game's second chapter, "Initiation 2: Casey", you can find a total of six Words of Power in the make-believe New York's Main Plaza. It might be tempting to complete your target to enter the subway immediately, but exploring the region first can lead to benefits like gaining newfound perks and equipment.

Inside an alley where you come across Casey, the first Word of Power (with the Fix attribute) is found at the alley's end, following a glowing arrow into a narrow part. Word #2 (Fix) is outside the Talk Show Studio among the garbage cans. The third (Action) is found by directing your flashlight upwards towards the railway on Draft Street, on the eastern end of Main Plaza.

For Word #4 (Lamp), use the Angel Lamp on the right post, near the entrance to Caldera Street Station, before heading down to the subway. You will behold a stairway leading to High-Line Station. Continue your journey to locate the Break Room, a safe point, where leaving the room will lead to the fourth Word of Power.

Alan Wake 2 Gun
Going ahead, Word #5 (Gun) is found after meeting with Tim Breaker. Take the route that leads to the back of the alley, where you will spot a ladder. Climb up and take a right turn between the two air conditioning units. Word #6 (War) can be found in the vicinity of the police car on the same street. Be careful, as you will confront the Taken shadows and dispatch them for safe exploration of the building's inner wall next to the police car, where the final Word of Power is found.

As you delve further into the enigmatic narrative of Alan Wake 2, be prepared to encounter more Words of Power that can unlock unique survival perks. The complex, maze-like subway level houses a plethora of these words, so we recommend extracting every Word of Power in the Initiation 2 - Casey chapter before progressing, as many paths may become inaccessible later.

First up, locate the Caldera Street Station subway with your Angel Lamp. Before venturing into the murky depths, spot an abandoned train on the right, revealing the first Word (Gun) with another flick of your lamp. Just past the first subway save point, a second Word (Aid) can be found amidst discarded construction materials, as indicated by arrows. Further down, beyond the collapsed tunnel, exists a narrow area housing the third Word (Lamp). Use your Angel Lamp to dispel a cart in the other tunnel and enter the tiny room, revealing the word.

Keep your eyes on the ceiling when you reach the Derailed Train scene for the fourth Word (War). Swiftly moving along, the fifth Word (Action) is uncovered after transitioning from the Derailed Train scene to Torchbearers. By maneuvering through the debris, you'll encounter a small room holding an Echo. Descending a ladder will reveal glowing arrows hinting at a wooden board. Shoot it to reveal the glyph. Word number six (Fix) is tucked behind the ticketing booth featuring the 'Lost' graffiti in an area heavily populated by Taken Shades.

Alan Wake 2 Train scene

Your journey continues at the Shrine Street Station, where Word Seven (Lamp) can be found in a partially flooded segment. Further down, the station houses an eighth Word (Gun), accessible by making the light flicker using your Angel Lamp outside two abandoned, adjacent trains.

The finale of this chapter holds the last two Words (Action, Fix), unlocked under the End of the Line scene by opting for a Summoning Ritual. The reality shift will reveal an exit leading to a room with the ninth Word. Climbing the stairs leads to a Break Room, followed by a previous area with the Collapsed Tunnel scene. Here, the final Word is etched on a wall behind a metal gate.

Word hunting continues in the Initiation 5 - Room 665 chapter, with your path toward Oceanview Hotel leading you to the alleys and rooftops to the west. On the street to the left of the Oceanview Hotel, find the first Word (Aid) drawn on a building wall. Look on a metal board in the southern section of the rooftop to discover the second Word (Aid).

For the third Word (Lamp), prepare for some finesse. At a doorway in the northern part of the rooftop, spot a water tank adorned with the glyph. Be careful to view it from the right angle, as viewing it from below might obscure it. Lastly, stay clear of the door fronting the water tank, choosing the left-hand side towards a metal walkway. Your audio clue? The humming of Tim Breaker. A crawlspace below the walkway unveils another glyph, the fourth Word (Gun).

Our next Word (War) is cleverly concealed in Room 104. Once you unlock it, the room acts as a portal to Room 225. Heading outside into the hallway, proceed to Room 224. An arrow will point you toward a wooden board, ripe for smashing. The hidden glyph on the bathroom wall, albeit challenging to spot due to its color, unlocks this Word of Power.

Alan Wake 2 Hotel Ballroom

As your adventure leads you to the Oceanview Hotel Ballroom, searching above the bar counter will reward you with the rare second Word (Stuff). Its rarity is justified by the illustrious perks it unlocks, including the ability to upgrade your inventory.

The last Word (War) in the hotel is visible through the glass above the exit doors on the second floor. This cryptic message presented itself only after we completed the main objective and used the Devil and Climax scene options.

Simultaneously, the poetic ambiance of the Initiation 8: Zane's Film chapter brings with it four Words of Power hidden in the Poet's Cinema. The first one (Fix) will reveal itself on the right-hand side of the lobby on the second floor upon entering the cinema. Advancing to the ground-level bathroom will lead you past stalls to a storage room. Look upward towards the ceiling to spot the second Word (Action).

Upon exiting the Theatre Hall and receiving the "Out in the Night" scene, a switch between themes will throw light on a door highlighted by a police car. Once you gain entry and ascend onto the rooftop, a glance at the wall on the lower right-hand side from the spotlights reveals a rare third Word (Stuff).

From the location of this rare Word, head to the opposite side of the rooftop, where the soothing hum of Tim Breaker will fill the air. Find a crawlspace under the metal walkway to discover another hidden room, which leads you to a water tank that hosts the last Word (Lamp).

Engross yourself in Alan Wake 2's immersive gameplay, armed with this exhaustive guide to unlock potential enhancements and elevate your gaming experience.

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