In-App Games Will Appear on TikTok

  • Jared McKenzie
  • 734
In-App Games Will Appear on TikTok

Vietnam is the first to experience in-app games from TikTok which are now being tested there. If the feature gains major popularity, it will be spread to other parts of the world making TikTok the strongest in the social networking market.

In case of the success of the project, users will have more temptation to remain on the platform which will increase the user time and will provide more opportunities for advertising generating higher revenue from marketing campaigns.

Asia seems to respond well to gaming opportunities, and if it continues with the same pace, TikTok will have launched gaming options by the end of the third quarter.
TikTok mentioned that they have tested HTML5 games made by third-party developers and they are about to gather the analytics and metrics from Vietnam users to expand the ambitious project.

TikTokers around the world have had the experience of streaming games on the platform and playing in-app games will be a brand-new engagement for them. TikTok has been told to obtain a license to feature games on the platform together with local regulations.

While playing TikTok games, users will be shown ads, and the revenue from the campaigns will be divided between the game developers and ByteDance the parent of TikTok.
TikTok is now the only social network aiming at creating in-app gaming opportunities for its users. Meta has already realized this option. However, if gaming thrives on TikTok, the platform may surpass all its competitors since gaming will be a powerful asset to an already successful social network.

Are you already waiting for a chance to play a game on your favorite app? Do you think you will be spending more time on the platform with the gaming feature? Leave your comments down below.


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