Google Chrome Introduces Memory and Energy Saver Modes to Boost Performance

  • Jared McKenzie
  • 287
Google Chrome Introduces Memory and Energy Saver Modes to Boost Performance

Google is rolling out new features for its Chrome browser on desktops, Macs, Windows, Linux, and Chromebooks. The Memory Saver and Energy Saver modes are designed to improve performance and extend battery life for users of the popular web browser. With these two new features turned on by default, Google hopes to enhance user experience while browsing the internet.

The Memory Saver mode will automatically free up memory from inactive tabs that aren't currently in use. This allows users to have more active tabs open at once without having their computer slow down due to lack of RAM. Meanwhile, the Energy Saver feature will reduce power consumption by limiting background activity when unnecessary. This should help conserve battery life while using your preferred browser of choice.

To make sure that these features don't impact the performance or battery life negatively when they're not needed, Google has included an option in its settings menu which allows users to disable them if desired. Located under "Performance" in Chrome's Settings tab on the sidebar is an option labeled "Memory saver," which can be switched off with a simple toggle switch if needed or desired.

Overall, these additions should benefit those who enjoy using Google Chrome but want it to run smoother and more efficiently than ever before – all without compromising their laptop's battery life too much in return! It remains to be seen how successful this roll-out will be among users; however it seems like a great step forward towards making one of the most popular browsers better than ever before!

To sum up, Google has recently rolled out two new features – Memory Saver and Energy Saver modes – which are focused on improving performance and extending battery life when running Chrome 110 on desktops, including Macs, Windows PCs, Linux systems and Chromebooks alike. These functions are enabled by default but can easily be disabled through a simple toggle switch located under Settings > Performance > Memory saver if they cause any problems with speed or energy consumption levels, respectively. We look forward seeing what other improvements may come our way from this tech giant soon!

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